Kidney pain vs. back pain Symptoms and Treatment

How to tell the difference between kidney pain and back pain-

According to a recently publicized survey, 80 percent of American adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. This finding correlates with other statistical reports that found back pain as one of the leading causes of visits to the doctor and persons missing work.

In the United States, back pain is second only to headache as the most common neurological condition. In fact, four out of five people are said to have or have had experienced back pain.

Yet, despite these alarming statistics, not many people are worried about their back pain. With good reason.


The most common type of back pain is acute back pain, a short-term condition that lasts anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Treatment typically consists of rest, exercise, hot/cold compress, analgesics, and other pain medications.

However, while most back pain lasts only for a very short time, there are rare instances where the pain could be chronic.

Chronic back pain is a cause for alarm since the condition is often a symptom of another underlying condition that is usually more serious and requires more immediate medical help. One such type is kidney back pain, which is a sign of a disorder in the kidneys.

How to identify kidney pain

Kidney pain is most often affected by a kidney infection or a stone in the tubes coming out of your kidney.

Where the pain is located-

Kidney soreness is felt in your flank, which is the region on either side of your spine between the base of your ribcage and your hips. It, as a rule, happens on one side of your body, however, it can happen in the two sides.

Type of pain-

Kidney pain is normally sharp on the off chance that you have a kidney stone and a dull throb in the event that you have a disease. Frequently it will be steady.

It won’t deteriorate with development or leave without anyone else without treatment. In case you’re passing a kidney stone, the pain may fluctuate as the stone moves

Radiation of the pain

Sometimes the pain spreads (radiates) to your inner thigh or lower abdomen.

The severity of the pain

Kidney pain is arranged by how terrible it is — serious or mellow. A kidney stone, as a rule, causes extreme pain, and the pain from a disease is normally mellow.

Things that make it better or worse

Regularly, nothing improves the pain until the issue is adjusted, for example, by passing the stone. Unlike back pain, it for the most part won’t change with development.

 Accompanying symptoms

If you have a kidney infection or a kidney stone, you may also experience:

fever and chills
nausea and vomiting
cloudy or dark urine
an urgent need to urinate
pain when you urinate
a recent infection in your bladder
blood in your urine (this can happen with an infection or kidney stones)
small kidney stones that look like gravel in your urine.

How do you know if your back pain is a symptom of kidney infection?

 There are various means by which you can differentiate kidney back pain from normal back pain. But the most common method is to find out where the pain is coming from.

Now, some sufferers of kidney back pain will find this a little difficult to accomplish since it feels like the pain is coming from all over the body with no one source of pain. However, if you concentrate and try to focus on where the pain comes from instead of how the pain is making you feel, it should not take you long to identify the source of the pain.

You will know if it is kidney back pain because the pain stems from the area of the back where the kidneys lie. Focus on the sides of your spine, specifically on the area just above the hips. If you realize that the pain is actually emanating from there, then chances are that kidney back pain is due to some type of kidney infection.

But there are forms of kidney back pain that are caused by injury, not infection.

 Indeed, kidney back pain may be a direct result of an injury or trauma to the kidneys, not necessarily an infection of the organ. You will know if your kidney back pain is injury-related if you feel tenderness in the area above your hips where the kidneys are located. When this area receives direct injury or trauma, it could result in direct injury to the organs themselves. That’s why getting hit in this particular area of the back is sometimes called a “kidney punch.”

1 thought on “Kidney pain vs. back pain Symptoms and Treatment”

  1. Absolutely great information to share. Back pain is very common with most of the people. It’s wise to check the weight we carry, the way we bend for heavy lifting. Thank you so much for differentiating both kidney pain and Back pain. Great article to share with friends and family.

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