Please hold me just one more time
Can you please hold me for some time? I know this will not keep going forever, So please stay with me, Before the morning detaches you. I know very well this will not keep going endlessly, Please hold me just one more time. Before the morning, It washed everything. I am just a lonely standing candle, with melted tears who can give a light up for the darkest moment And die silently. I can’t imagine tomorrow you are no more with my side. But We have left to share our adoration, Your love is like oxygen for the rest of my life. Please hold me for the last time. my misery makes more sense than I can illuminate, all I can sense just your love now My grief bounces off the hedges. It boom’s in my mind and inhabits my chest. It’s dense, and it splashes in my lungs. It steals my breath and robs me of my smile. That I certainly not want it to wind up I’m drenching in myself, So please hold me tight with your boundless love. Before, I blunder away from this darkness. BY Rinrainbow ~~~~~~~~~~~~