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Tips for Optimizing Your RSS

If you’re completely new blogging and do not know what the RSS fuss is all about, RSS simply stands for Really Simple Syndication and it’s a family of web feed formats that’s automatically updated regularly. So in blogging this is often usually within the sort of blog posts. whenever you publish a blog post, whoever is subscribed to your RSS feed, be it via book marking or email, they’ll automatically be updated or notified of the new post. during a nutshell that’s the only simplest way to understand RSS…

What can we mean once we say optimizing your RSS? Let me explain –

When I’m talking about optimizing your RSS I mean taking steps to make sure that your RSS is performing effectively, to draw in new subscribers to your content, aka your blog. Let’s take a glance 

Tips for Optimizing your RSS

Bowl them over with incredibly and content awesomeness...First thing’s first, if you do not provide exceptionally great quality and resourceful content, the 5 remaining tips below are going to be worthless to you…Offer full RSS Offer your readers equal options for subscribing either by RSS bookmarking or email opt-in for RSS updates.Make it unique Think about the planning of your RSS icon and therefore the design of your RSS email opt-in form. Make it unique; add some extra texts or incentives to enticing readers to subscribe. Don’t bombard it in order that it’s sort of a billboard ad, just make it stand out

Optimizing Your RSS- Make it Visible & easy to subscribe

Whilst you’ll make your RSS unique, don’t paddle backward by making it a challenge for readers to seek out your RSS subscriber icon or opt-in.I’ve visited many blogs where I’ve enjoyed reading the content but felt so damn frustrated because I could not find the RSS subscription form or icon. within the footer may be a no! hidden during a page elsewhere on your blog no, no, no! not having any… worst still! The top of the sidebar and below your posts is usually the simplest places for having an RSS icon and subscriber form. Also make it easy for readers to subscribe, don’t give them questionnaires or an inventory of radial buttons to see, just make it really simple.Let them know what it’s all about Don’t assume that everybody knows what that big orange square RSS logo means. Consider teaching your readers about RSS; write a few posts or do a video tutorial explaining what it’s all about and therefore the value of subscribing to an RSS feed. Education is that the best policy in any blogging niche…

Don’t give them too many other options

My last tip is for those that want to greatly increase their RSS subscriber count. Don’t suggest to your readers too many other options for subscribing. you will see many bloggers putting RSS icon with social icons and everything else, this is not a bad thing in the least so please aren’t getting me wrong here, but if you actually need to extend subscribers, place RSS on the brink of the highest in your sidebar and place the remainder i.e. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube further down below.So just to recap the ideas for optimizing your RSS using bullet points, because we all love bullet points right? Yeah… I assumed so…Give readers awesome content Offer full RSS Make it unique, visible, and straightforward to subscribe Let your readers know what RSS really is Don’t give readers too many other options (If you would like to extend RSS subscribers) What does one think?Well, those are my tips for optimizing your RSS and getting the simplest out of using it to urge more subscribers. I now want to listen to your thoughts, or perhaps you’ve got your own tips you want to share. Please do so within the comment section below as always

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