Because I miss you

Your lovely blue eyes talk in bashfulness,

is that mutual?

A grin all over your face leaves me speechless.

I feel like I just met you,

but it as of now feels like an eternity

I wouldn't do anything instead of sharing my love with you girl,

Because the stars make my verses sparkle that about you,

I miss you!!

Would you tune in on the off chance that

I whispered I love you?

Would you get it for me if I said, 

I believe you? Could I truly as of now love someone else?

If I inquired, you'd you grant me 

shelter in your trust?

Would you let me know things 

no one else knew?

Would you inquire what I seem to 

feel for a girl like you?

My heart is reborn, 

this time more profound still.

I have something that has a place to you and

I'm giving it back So, 

from me as it were for you,

 I'm giving you a kiss,

 of which I thought 

I'd never delivered to anybody again

No matter how distant it'll blow,

 I'm taking off on joy,

I'm taking off on the love 

I've been granted Your voice is a love song for me.

I will never feel tired. 

It rather feels like a raindrop in the desert.

Loving you is the most beautiful thing

that has happened to me.

 Love you with everything.

By Rinrianbow

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