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Humans and Animals Are Completely Dependent on Plants

Plants are useful in many ways. Plants specify us with the basic requirements for existence. The most important human needs are food, clothing and shelter. To a large extent, plants fulfill them. Plants are the main source of food in the form of grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and oil.

Plants provide us with clothing material. Cotton and flax are fiber plants. Cotton is obtained from the hairs of the cotton seed coat. These cotton fibers are used for weaving clothes. Hemp and jute obtained from the hemp are not only used to make bags, ropes and carpets, but today they are also used to make clothing material. Flax fiber also obtained from the stalk and used as a fine textile fiber, e.g., linen, cloth, thread, canvas, carpet, etc.

Ultimately, all life depends on plants. If there were no plants, all life on earth would end because plants produce food. If there were no food to eat, people and animals would starve. Plants also give off oxygen. Without oxygen, no living things could survive without breathing. Plants requisite the right amount of sunlight, air, water and temperature to develop well.

Plants have been used as medicine since ancient times. Herbal medicines are prepared only from plants; these do not cause side effects compared to synthetic ones.

Plants that have soft, green and perishable stems are called herbs, for example, coriander, mint, spinach, oregano and fennel, and even the banana tree is a huge herb. Herbs are very small low plants that only live a few months. Most herbs add good flavour to food

The flower, which is part of the plant, is usually the most beautiful and striking part in the reproductive organ of the plant. The only function of a flower is to produce seeds and fruit for reproduction. Flowering plants are grown in homes, gardens, parks and roadsides for their vibrant colors, beautiful shapes and sweet fragrance. Cut flowers are used for interior decoration in houses and restaurants.

The petals of some flowers contain a sweet-smelling oil that is used to make perfumes or fragrances. Commonly used are rose, jasmine, kiore and lavender. Cloves are also a bud that is used to flavor our foods.

Different types of plants and flowers make our country green and beautiful. If you want to take advantage of their benefits, you can consider growing it in your garden.

1 Comment

  • I definitely agree with you on this. I do whatever I can to help keep the environment around me thriving. I have lots of plants that I care for, a variety actually – from ornamentals to bonsai trees to vegetables and herbs!

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