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Job Interview – what are your strengths?

Job Interview – This is a generally asked question in job interviews for all levels of positions in all industries.

Question to you, what are your strengths?

Even when this question is not asked, you should have the option to answer it so as to find the work. All things considered, from the employer’s perception,, the main matter of a prospective employee meeting is to comprehend what you could accomplish for the association and why she should recruit you rather than another person.

You must be prepared to talk about your strengths.. Many applicants don’t do it well, so there is an open door for you to stand apart from the group in the event that you can talk about your strengths in a real and convincing way.

We should begin by discussing how to react when a questioner asks you explicitly, “What are your strengths?” (or “What are your three biggest strengths?” or comparable)


 It’s the interviewer’s responsibility to discover somebody who will act in the position and coexist with the group. With this inquiry, the questioner tries to see whether:

  • Your strengths line up with the organisations needs
  • You can manage the work and perform like a hero
  • You are the superlative person for the job — no need to hold out for someone better
  • You have characteristics, aptitudes, and additionally experience that set you apart from the opposition
  • You are somebody who will make a dazing development to the group


A few people think this is a simple question. This question is basically a brief for you to gloat and “sell” yourself as the most ideal fit for the work. So how is it possible that you would mess it up? You know yourself, isn’t that so?

Awfully, many candidates fail to practise properly and interference themselves. Here are a portion of the basic missteps that I see when working with my coaching clients:

Lack of self-awareness.

Most job seekers don’t invest enough time breaking down their qualities and contemplating which ones are generally appropriate for each position. Realizing your strengths will work well for you in job interviewing and for the rest of your life as well. If you don’t sense you have a clear intellect of your job-related strengths, read on for some advice on how to identify them..


Many candidates are too modest or simply aren’t happy with articulating what makes them implausible. This is exceptionally accurate for recluses and/or people who never really had to “sell” themselves before because new jobs always fell in their laps in the past.

You need to get over any fickle to express pleasant things about yourself. You can do it such that feels good and credible on the off chance that you plan ahead of time.

what are your strengths?

Choosing lame strengths.

Others choose strengths that don’t assist them with sticking out — strengths that aren’t significant for the current job or strengths that pretty much anyone could guarantee. This blunder makes a candidate insipid and forgettable at best. At worst, you can raise red flags with the interviewer — who wants to hire someone whose greatest strength is the ability to show up on time?



It’s essential to require some investment to recognise your qualities and PRACTICE discussing them ahead of time. That way, you’ll be prepared when you stroll into that meet for your fantasy work. How about we start by recognising/affirming what your most noteworthy qualities are:


sit down and make a list of your top strengths — focus on at any rate 10 and be inventive. Exile your humble inward proof-reader to another room. Scribble down all that rings a bell. You can delete later if you like.

Your strengths could include:

Experience — Experience with a specific software or sort of errand, capability in a specific industry, a track record of working with comparable products or clients, etc.

  • Talents — Abilities, for example, programming in an ideal language, composing proposition, selling gadgets, disputing cases, sorting out functions, interpreting from Mandarin, and so forth (the conceivable outcomes here are really unfathomable)
  • Delicate aptitudes — Competencies, for example, critical thinking, affecting, group building, arrangement, managing up, and so on
  • Education/training — Relevant substance on subjects basic to the work — including higher educations, certifications, training seminars, mentoring, internships, etc.In the event that you experience difficulty thinking of enough work related qualities, write down optimistic personality qualities or personal strengths. You may discovery ways to relate these to job performance.
  • Focus

Slight your list down to least five strengths that you are comfy deliberating (or could get contented discussing with a little bit of practice). The more, the better. You may not talk about all of these strengths in every interview, but it’s good to have preferences..

Prepare Examples. 

Mature at least one instance or Interview Story to exemplify each of your strengths. If you’re not sure how to go about shaping convincing stories and examples from your prior experience, check out Big Interview and our Answer Builder. 


1.Be accurate. 

Decide strengths that you really own. Don’t pick a strength just because it’s in the job type or worked for your buddy. You want to be yourself in an interview, just the best and most professional form of yourself. You will be much more substantial and likable if you talk about realistic strengths. 

2. Be relevant. 

You should take the time to scrutinise the job description and classify the most significant strengths for each opportunity. You probably have many strengths, but which will be most applicable for this interviewer? 

3. Be specific. 

Choose accurate strengths. Instead of “persons skills” (too broad and boring), go with “connection building” or “persuasive communication.” Don’t be generic. Could 90% of your friends privilege your strength? Pick another one. 

4.Don’t be too humble

See the usual errors above. Avoid “weak praise” and lame strengths. Pick something imposing. Don’t go with “pleasant to work with” as your main selling point. Just about everybody can and should be pleasant to work with. To get the job, you have to show you would bring more to the position. 

5.Be prepared to demonstrate. 

As discussed, have a succinct example ready to back each strength up. Be careful about prolix on too long here. Your answer should still be 1-2 minutes long. If you want to share three strengths and back each up with an example, you will want to practice in advance so that you can do it in a concise way. 


If you get stuck trying to progress a list your strengths, try these techniques: 

Get a second opinion. 

Ask a trusted friend or colleague what they think are your supreme strengths. .

Dig for clues

Go back to prior performance reviews and analyse the optimistic feedback. Dig up old emails sycophantic your work (if you haven’t been saving these, start a folder now). If you’re a student or new grad, think about the criticism that you’ve received from professors and supervisors from past internships and jobs. 

Review your resume. 

Look for common themes in your achievements. Occasionally, we’re so close to the subject that we lose perception. Try to read your resume with fresh eyes — as if it was the resume of an admired friend. What stands out? 

Get scientific. 

Try the Strengths Finder valuation. You can answer a series of questions and get a report that précises your top strengths. This should trigger some ideas and/or help you emphasis your thinking. I use StrengthsFinder with many of my coaching clients and the results can really benefit with your professional and personal development. Many corporations also ask their employees to take the StrengthsFinder assessment as a foundation for their performance improvement plans. 


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